Portfoleon links your roadmaps with resources. For this purpose Portfoleon provides you with a simple but powerful resource management feature.
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Everywhere in Portfoleon we are using these terms when talking about resources.
Term |
What it means |
Full-time equivalent, usually expressed in percent. 100% means a resource working full time. |
Demand |
How many resources are needed for a particular project, task, or another item. You can define demand as a certain Role, Team, and Location, which describe what kind of resource you need, and FTE, which describes how much of a resource you need. It is not required to specify Role, Team, or Location. If a parameter does not matter (e.g. any team will do), you can leave it blank in your demand specification. Note that you cannot specify a concrete resource in Demand - only Role, Team, and Location. |
Capacity |
How many resources you have. You can define your Capacity by specifying resources in the Resources screen along with their availability dates and FTE. You will need to specify every individual resource in the Resources screen, and Portfoleon will automatically determine your total capacity, as well as capacity per Team or Location. |
Budget |
How many resources you have budgeted. You can define your budget in the Budget screen. Budget is not the same as Capacity. For example, you may have a position budgeted for this year, but you have not yet hired anyone. In that case your Budget will exceed your Capacity. On the other hand, it is possible that you go over budget to handle a load spike or finish a project from the previous budget period. |
Provision or Supply |
How many resources you allocate for a particular project, task, or another item. Typically, you will have a number of Demand slots, for which you will supply resources. |
Using resource management
To start using resource management, you will first need to configure your resources.
Once you have done that, you can assign resources to your items, display your resource load in timelines, and report on resources in pivot boards.